Get Out Of My Head

Hi there! I am so glad you found your way here!

  • Are you feeling stuck like nothing is ever going to change? 
  • Overthinking every situation leaving you feeling stressed, anxious and angry?
  • Stuck in the negative to the point you can not see the positive side?
  • You feel like you are just surviving each day to wake up and do it all again?
  • Feeling alone in your own head in a crowded room?
  • Tired all the time no matter how much sleep you get?

Then the Get Out Of My Head course is for you! 

You will be able to finally feel at ease when you wake up in the morning rather than feeling like "Here we go again". I know you find it hard to make time for yourself. Which is why this course was created to be straight to the point for busy women. These easy to follow modules allow you to work towards the life you have been dreaming of, while not adding a huge amount of time on the computer.

Each Module is designed to add value and a clearer understanding so you can....

  • Stay motivated and focused on your goals so you can finally stop feeling constantly overwhelmed and finally crush your goals.
  • Take back your life and focus on what makes you fulfilled so that you can finally step into a life of purpose, happiness, peace of mind, and alignment.
  • Value the person you are today so you can finally stop feeling like crap and stop bringing yourself down by comparing yourself to others.
  • Get your life organized so that you can wake up to a life you love and have more time for the things and people that actually matter. 
  • Allow yourself to feel a range of emotions without letting the negative consume you so you stop getting stuck in your own head and feeling miserable or frustrated all the darn time.

You can not afford to continue living in a place of surviving. It is time to start thriving! YOU in the future needs the YOU today to make the change!

What is inside?

  • Easy to follow workbook to do at your own pace packed with useful tools and developmental work to train your brain to stop getting stuck in the negative. (Valued at $29)
  • Affirmations to keep you in the right mindset. (Valued at $19)
  • Stress Reducing Audio Mediation. (Valued at $19)
  • 7 Video lessons that take you step by step on how to get out of your negative thinking. These videos are straight to the point to help you get right to work when you have little time to give. (Valued at $149)
  • Access to the private facebook group where we can build a community of support and I can check in and support you in a group coaching setting on your progress and blocks. (Group Coaching Valued at $249)

Total Value $465 

Get it today for only $97

7 Modules

Module 1 - Let's Get Motivated

By seeing your value you will see why the work is important, and the why will lead you to the desire and motivation. 

Module 2 - Awareness

We can not make changes without first learning what to be aware of. Learn the ways we get stuck in the negative.

Module 3 - Get My Sh&t Together

How can you focus on making changes within your mind if you are overwhelmed by chaos? Learn some strategies and tools to get life a bit more organized.   

Module 4 - I Can Love Me

I Can Love Me - It all starts and ends with you beYOUtiful so let's work together to find your self worth.

Module 5 - Change

Here is where we do some serious work around reframing our thoughts by developing tools and awareness to to our everyday life. 

Module 6 - This Is Only The Beginning

This Is Only The Beginning - Learn how to continue the growth and take CONTROL with some tips and tricks.

Modules for this product 7
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